Transform Your Influence: 8 Essential Skills for Becoming a Katalyst™ in Your Organization (ONLINE)

Lidz werkt al vele jaren samen met Katie Anderson, internationaal Lean consultant (o.a. in de zorg), spreker, bestseller auteur en lean & leren enthousiasteling. Dit najaar gaan we samen met haar een Lidz community voor Lean trainers/coaches/leiders opzetten om te werken aan 8 essentiele vaardigheden die je gaan helpen om - naast je technische kennis over Lean - verandering te realiseren bijvoorbeeld richting een lerende organisatie.
Dit webinar wordt georganiseerd door het results Washington team in het kader van hun '13th Annual 2024 Washington State Lean Transformation Conference' - je kunt deze sessie en vele andere sessies gratis bijwonen - of de opname ontvangen. Kijk voor meer informatie of om je aan te melden op: Sessions | Page 2 | Results Washington. Alle sessies zijn in het Engels.
Ready to Amplify Your Influence and Transform Your Organization?
Is it time for you to elevate your role from being a process improvement practitioner to transformational change leader?
Are you eager to pair your technical expertise with the social skills necessary to catalyze real change, accelerate learning in your organization, and get results?
In this session, you’ll discover how to become a true Katalyst™ - an agent of change equipped with behavioral routines and patterns that consistently drive progress and impact through continuous learning. “Katalyst” is a combination of two words: “catalyst” – an accelerant for the rate of change – and the Japanese word “kata” – meaning behavioral routines and patterns, which in continuous improvement circles has become synonymous with problem-solving and coaching behaviors.
You’ll gain insight into eight critical change leadership competencies and actionable strategies that every lean practitioner needs to accelerate the rate of learning as a source of organizational impact and progress. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how to blend your technical problem solving and process improvement skills with your newfound capabilities as a Katalyst™ so that you step into the role of transformational change agent in your organization.