Lean global connection 2022

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Meer informatie over dit event: Lean Global Connection 2022 (hopin.com)
Welcome to Lean Global Connection
Let’s face it. Lately, we have all been navigating in rough waters. Between wars and pandemics, soaring costs, supply chain disruptions, and a chronic struggle to find and retain talent – to name but a few common problems – the business landscape is more complex than ever. But can a crisis be turned into an opportunity? At the Lean Global Network, we believe so. We also believe that each of us “lean sailors” has a role to play in getting their vessel and fellow crew members to a safe harbor.
That’s why we have decided to focus this year’s Lean Global Connection on this very topic, showcasing organizations that, despite all odds, are surviving the storm (or even thriving in it). They say that Lean gives its best during a crisis, so what better time than now to prove this is true? Join thousands of lean sailors on board our Lean Galleon as it sets sail from one corner of the world to the other in search of the best lean cases and knowledge.
Along the way, you will have the chance to hear from gurus and seasoned practitioners from countless industries and understand how lean can be leveraged to turn a time of difficulty into an opportunity for learning and development. After all, a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor!