VacciNexus! Internationaal verbeterideeën rond vaccineren delen

VacciNexus is an online platform to log ideas for improving vaccine clinics and for asking questions from people all around the world! We’ve also been having VacciNexus Live Get Togethers on Tuesday evenings at 8 pm ET USA time (which might be an odd time in the Netherlands!). The target is to bring people together to share what they’ve learned setting up mass COVID 19 vaccine clinics and also to ask questions. It’s always a good time to be able to help each other…now even better! Everything is free, and Mark Graban, Helen Zak and Karyn Ross will be moderating the Tuesday evening sessions.
Here is the link to sign up for a free VacciNexus account!
If anyone wants to join the VacciNexus Live! Tuesday Get Togethers, please just have them send an email to and we will forward the invite to them!