Workshop met Katie Anderson: Leading to Learn: Build a “Chain of Learning”

We zijn heel blij dat Katie Anderson weer naar Nederland komt en voor Lidz op 15 november (van 13.30 - 18.00 uur) een workshop wil geven! De workshop wordt in samenwerking met het Lean team van Alrijne (in Leiden) georganiseerd. Er zijn nog plaatsen beschikbaar en geen kosten verbonden aan je deelname. De voertaal van de workshop is Engels. Aanmelden kan via Workshop met Katie Anderson: Leading to Learn: Build a “Chain of Learning” | Lidz
Leading to Learn: Build a “Chain of Learning” to amplify engagement and accelerate innovation
What is your purpose as a leader?
How do you fulfill that purpose?
What does it *really* mean to be a leader or member in a learning organization?
Chain of Learning
Too often, organizations and their leaders are focused on delivering business outcomes at the expense of developing their people’s capabilities, or applying the tools of continuous improvement without understanding their broader purpose. The secret to successful innovative companies is an attitude towards learning and people development – they develop a “Chain of Learning” throughout the organization. This starts with leaders understanding their purpose in Leading to Learn and their role in achieving business outcomes by setting clarity of direction, providing support to their people, and developing themselves at the same time.
Interactive workshop
In this interactive workshop, you will discover the secret to developing an organizational culture of improvement, understand the threefold purpose of a leader in Leading to Learn, and discuss real life examples from the award-winning book “Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn”. You will strengthen and practice essential skills -- such as asking questions and listening -- to create the conditions for learning for others. You will leave the session with the beginning draft of your personal leadership credo – which can serve as the blueprint for the culture you want to create and leadership you want to model.
Become the leader who develops your people, who achieves important business results, and who aligns your purpose with your actions in service of creating an organization where everyone is engaged in solving problems.